sexta-feira, 18 de julho de 2008

Exercises - Present continuous II

1) Escreva nove frases usando um elemento de cada quadrinho. Observe que o segundo elemento poderão ser utilizados várias vezes nas frases.
He is not trying to go to L.A.

He and I
She and I

Is not
Are not
Am not

working very much.
trying go to LA.
deciding about the trip;
doing the homework.
making a chocolate cake.
going out.
bringing food for the party.
playing well.
talking about you.

Exercises - Present continuous

Worksheet – Present Continuons

1) Unscramble the sentences:
a) working, They, very, today, are, much.
b) She, New York, is, on, going, business, to.
c) Claudia, trying, to call, is, now, him.
d) Playing, He, with, sister, is, his.

segunda-feira, 30 de junho de 2008

Questions about text: Martin Luther King

1) Quem era Martin Luther King? Ele recebeu o prêmio antes ou depois de sua luta por direitos civis nos EUA?
2) Que ordem Mrs. Parks recebeu do motorista do ônibus? Que atitude ela tomou?
3) Que nome se dá à discriminação sofrida por Mrs. Parks? Como é esse termo em Inglês?
4) Martin Luther King orientou seus seguidores para que parassem de usar os ônibus. Que nome se dá a isso? Em quem ele se inspirou?
5) Transcreva do texto “em inglês” as palavras correspondentes à luta e defender.

domingo, 29 de junho de 2008

Three little birds by Bob Marley

  • Worksheet: Music

1) Put this song in correct order:

( ) Rise up this morning

( ) Don´t worry about a thing

( ) Smiled with the rising sun

( ) Singing “This is my message to you.”

( ) `Cause every little thing´s gonna be all right

( ) Singing `Don´t worry about a thing

( ) Singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true

( ) `Cause every little thing´s gonna be all right`

( ) Three little birds beside my doorstep

I have a dream! Martin Luther King (1929-1968)

I have a dream!

One day a woman named Rosa Parks was traveling home from work on a Montgomery bus, in Alabama. She was tired after her day's work. She sat down in one of the seats at the back of the bus that were for black people. White people used the ones in front .But the bus was crowded that night and there weren't enough seats for everyone. When a white man got on the bus and couldn't find a seat the driver ordered Mrs. Parks to get up and give him hers.
Afterwards Mrs. Parks said she didn't know what made her do it .Usually she did as she was told. But that night she refused to give up her seat. The driver called a policeman. She was arrested and dragged off to prison.
When Dr. Martin Luther King heard about it he said: "we could all stop using the buses" .If the passengers did it the bus companies would have serious financial losses.
This was what he meant by “nonviolent direct action" .It was action that would express the people's strong feeling without attacking anyone. He got the idea from Gandhi, whose picture hung over his desk. He had always admired Gandhi.
It was a hard struggle; but at last the black, under the leadership of King, proved their point, based on the Constitution.
In one of his famous speeches, Luther King said: I say to you today, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream .His dream was that of a country where men would be truly equal. “I have a dream that my four little children one day will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character… With this faith we will be able to work together, to struggle together, to go to prison together ,to stand up for freedom together, knowing we will be free one day”.
(Adapted from Great People or Our Time, Carol Christian,
Macmillan Education Led, 1973, p. 64-67)

quinta-feira, 26 de junho de 2008


Exercises – Plural of nouns

Complete the sentences, Use the correct plural form, next translate the sentences:

1) The __________ of the _______ are waiting for you. (wife / policeman)
2) The __________ are playing with their _________ in the garden. (child / boy)
3) There are _________ or fresh ________ and _________ at the street market. (box / tomato / peach)
4) The __________ are sleeping but the __________ are not. (baby / boy).
5) I like to eat hot _______________. (potato)
6) They are taking the _____________ to the police station. (thief)
7) Brush your ____________ after dinner. (tooth)
8) Those ________ are valuable. (picture)
9) The __________ are late. (bus)
10) It´s possible to learn new _________ in this song. (word).

Plural dos subtantivos

Regra geral
Substantivo + s
boy - boys house - houses table - tables book - books
1 - Subtantivos terminados em o, s, sh, ch, x e z - + es
tomato - tomatoes bus - buses brush - brushes
peach - peaches box - boxes buzz - buzzes
2 - Palavras estrangeiras ou abreviadas terminadas em -o + s
photo - photos piano - pianos hippo - hippos
3 - Substantivos terminados em y precedido de consoante -y + i + es
baby - babies lady - ladies city - cities
4 - Substantivos terminados em f ou fe - tira o f ou fe + ves
wife - wives shelf - shelves loaf - loaves
life - lives self - selves thief - thieves
knife - knives calf - calves half - halves
wolf - wolves leaf - leaves sheaf - sheaves
  • As demais palavras terminadas em f ou fe, fazem o plural regular, ou seja, com o acréscimo de s.
Exemplo: roof - roofs
5 - Alguns substantivos fazer o plural de forma irregular:
man - men tooth - teeth child - children
woman - women foot - feet mouse - mice

sábado, 21 de junho de 2008


1. Em inglês, encontre o nome de 5 bebidas, 5 cores, 5 animais, 5 frutas e 5 meios de transportes:

c o f f e e a s p d b i k e f g h g o d
a r s d f k g h e j u k l p o i u y t e
w a q w e o r e a t s h i p y u i o p r
h n a t a c s l c d f g h j k l o p u y
i g q w e r t p h k y u u i b i r d q n
t e q w e e f p c a s d t s e p a r g o
e a s c s d f a g h l j k r q w e e r l
z x i c v p l a n e z i x c u v b l u e
q u a s d b e e r d f g o r t c w e o m
j a s y e l l o w a s d f n g h k l i m

2. Escreva aqui as palavras que você encontrou no exercício 1, separando-as de acordo com sua classe de palavras:

animals ______________________________________________
means of transportations__________________________________

Wind of change by Scorpions

Wind of change
(Vento da transformação)

I follow the Moskva = Eu sigo “Moskva”
Down to Gorky Park = até o parque Gorky
_______________ to the wind of change = ouvindo o vento da transformação
August __________ night = noite de verão em agosto
Soldiers passing by = soldados passando
_______ listening to the Wind of change = você está ouvindo o vento da transformação
The world is closing in = O mundo está se confinando
Did you ever think = você alguma vez pensou
That we could be so close, like _________ ? = que nós poderíamos estar tão juntos, como irmãos?
The ________ in the air. = O futuro está no ar
I can feel it everywhere = Posso sentí-lo em todos os lugares
_______ with the Wind of change = soprando com o vento da transformação
Take me to the magic of the moment = Leve-me à magia do momento
On a glory night = em uma noite gloriosa
Where the ____________ of tomorrow dream away – Onde as crianças do amanhã devaneiam
In the wind of change = no vento da transformação
Walking down the _________________ = andando pela rua
Distant memories = memórias distantes
Are buried in the ___________ forever. = estão enterradas no passado para sempre.
Take me to the magic of the moment -
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams = onde as crianças de amanhã partilham seus sonhos.
With you and Me (you and Me)

The winf of change = O vento da transformação
Blows _____________ into the face of time = sopra diretamente na face do tempo
Like a stormwind that will ring the _________ bell = como um vendavam que tocará o sino da liberdade.
For _____________ of mind = para a paz da mente
Let your balalaika sing = Deixe sua “balalaika” cantar
What my guitar wants to say.= O que meu violão quer dizer




Missing Words
Freedom – straight – listening – You´re – summer – peace – children – blowing – street - past – future´s – brothers.

Song activiy - Same Mistake by James Blunt


So while I'm turning in my sheets. (Então, enquanto me reviro nos lençóis .)
And once again, I cannot sleep. (E novamente não consigo dormir. )
Walk out the ____________ and up the street .(Saio pela porta e sigo pela rua .)
Look at the star beneath my feet. (Olho as estrelas sob meus pés. )
Remember rights that I did wrong .(Relembro coisas certas que eu transformei em erradas .)
So here I go. ( Então, aqui vou eu.)
Hello,hello! ( Olá, olá! )
There is no ____________ I cannot go. ( Não há nenhum lugar onde não possa ir. )
My mind is muddy but .( Minha mente está turva mas)
My heart is heavy, does it show .( Meu coração está pesado, não se nota?. )
I lose the track that loses me. ( Eu perco o rumo. )
So here I go. ( Então, aqui vou eu. )

Oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...
And so I sent some men to fight. (E assim eu mandei alguns homens a luta.. )
And one came back at dead of ___________ . ( E um voltou em plena noite .)
Said " Have you seen my enemy ?" ( Disse: " Você tem visto meu inimigo?")
Said "He looked just like me" ( Pergunto: "Ele se parecia comigo?")
So I set out to cut ________________ . ( Assim eu me preparei para me ferir .)
And here I go. ( E aqui vou eu )

Oo oooooo ooo ooo oo ooo…
I'm not calling for a ______________ chance. (Eu não estou pedindo por uma segunda chance.)
I'm screaming at the top of my voice. ( Eu estou gritando com toda força de minha voz. )
Give me _____________, but don't give me choice. (Me dê razão, mas não me dê escolha.)
Cause I'll just make the same mistake again. ( Porque eu cometerei o mesmo erro outra vez. )

Oo oooooo ooo ooo oo ooo...
And maybe ______________ we will meet. ( E talvez um dia nós nos encontraremos .)
And maybe talk and not just ___________. ( E iremos conversar e não apenas falar. )
Don't buy the promises 'cause. ( Não acredite nas promessas porque )
There are no promises I keep. ( Não há promessas que eu cumpra.)
And my _________________ troubles me. ( E minha culpa me incomoda. )
So here I go. ( Então, aqui vou eu )

Oo oooooo ooo ooo oo ooo…
I'm not calling for a second chance. ( Eu não estou pedindo por uma segunda chance. )
I'm screaming at the top of my voice. .( Eu estou gritando com toda força de minha voz .)
Give me reason, but don't give me choice. (Me dê razão, mas não me dê escolha. )
Cause I'll just make the same mistake again. ( Porque eu cometerei o mesmo erro outra vez. )

Oo oooooo ooo ooo oo ooo
So while I'm turning in my sheets. ( Então,enquanto eu me reviro em meus lençóis. )
And once again,I cannot sleep. ( E novamente não consigo dormir. )
Walk out the door and up the street. ( Saio pela porta e sigo pela rua .)
Look at the ________. ( Olho as estrelas )
Look at the stars, falling down. ( Olho as estrelas caindo. )
And wonder where, did I go wrong. ( E me pergunto, onde é que eu errei.)

reflection - stars – reason – myself – second – place – door – night – someday – speak